Monday, August 4, 2008

Property Bank the land scam arena in India .. a pinch from UK land & US investments

Land Bank


What does land bank mean to common people?

Land bank does not mean how much land the local politician has grabbed or enchased in the name of rural development of course in London Or New York it means how much assets does a valuable person occupy & can be enchased.

In India where the average income crossing 5kUSD holds only 20% population ( annual income) the property bank or land distributed is surprise for all the commercial property lies only with the affluent people with average income of 10kusd or more surpassing their actual income I mean to say 85% income to them is from the land revenue itself.

Of course people in metro wont agree to the figures since these are not any official figures..but for them to believe ask the govt. how many property each individual holds? Why is thir no bar on rental inome?


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